
Day Two Is the Hardest

Day one of a new endeavor is one of elation. There is so much faith in yourself, a sense of invincibility brought about by the achievement of a single step. Look at you—a person of action!—moving a whole inch forward. You’re unstoppable.

On day two, however, the euphoria wears off and reality sets in: You made a promise to yourself. Now it’s time to deliver.

Suddenly, that single step, that easy inch, stretches like taffy into infinity. A strike of true terror shakes your bones: This is what the rest of your life is meant to look like. And it’s up to no one but you to make it so.

Resign yourself to the fate you chose one fine day when you were feeling particularly optimistic. Carry that optimism with you as you cross the chasm of bad days. Don’t ever look ahead again—you already know how painful and useless that is. Remember, though, to stop for a second every once in a while, look back, and marvel at how far you’ve come.

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